Monday, July 20, 2015

Tour Guide Jesus

This is after round one of organizing
We’re only two weeks into sabbatical, but I’m noticing God acting as a kind of tour guide. I start each week with a set of stated goals (this week’s were an anniversary day trip, organizing my office/landfill, helping a buddy with a construction project, and canoe-camping with some manly men from church). Some of those goals were realized, but others weren’t. On reflection, tour guide Jesus seems to be leading me away from things that don’t contribute to my renewal, and steering me toward things that do. So here’s some of what tour guide Jesus* showed me this week:

Monday, July 13, 2015

The First 48 Hours

It’s time for my first official sabbatical post, though to be honest, the start-of-sabbatical retreat was a little rocky. Everything I’ve read, along with the testimony of friends who’ve trod the path before me agreed that it would be, but I was still taken by surprise. Even still, there was much that was good:

This place is seriously gorgeous!
I took my retreat at Caledonia State Park, which, if you've never visited, you NEED to. First thing I did was take a hike. I found within the first half-mile that I’m way out of shape. Once upon a time, three-day backpacking expeditions were a favorite activity, but after a half-hour of walking up the side of a hill I was spent. Several times I considered just turning back, but something kept me going. Maybe it was the embarrassment of giving up so easily, maybe it was the Holy Spirit (sometimes they can feel pretty similar!), but I pushed past the burning calves and panting, and after about a mile, I found I was moving easily and enjoying the gentle sounds of virgin forest.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

A New Journey, a New Blog

Tomorrow, I begin a 6 month journey of reflection, growth, and Sabbath rest. InterVarsity offers all campus ministers the gift of a 6 month sabbatical after 7 years of service, and I've been looking forward to this for some time!

My intention is to check in here every week or so with updates, so that all of you who are making this journey possible with your financial support and your prayers can share in the joy of what God's doing during this time! So be sure to check in with this SabbataBlog regularly!

In the meantime, I'd be grateful for your prayers on behalf of my students, my colleagues, and me: