Imagine a world in which leaders in business, industry, government, anything had never heard or responded to the Gospel of Jesus. What would such a world look like?
There was a time when it was assumed that learning to know God was essential to a liberal arts education. But that time has passed. At today's colleges, students are bombarded with spiritual and moral options. They accumulate knowledge without wisdom, skills without purpose, and ideas without Truth. Nearly 5,000 York College students (and 18 million others across the country) are preparing to shape the world in an environment that assumes God is irrelevant. Their potential to change the world is enormous. How will they change it?
Now imagine a generation of students transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Imagine the impact they would have...
For over 30 years, InterVarsity has been introducing students at York College to Jesus. Men and women who were shaped by InterVarsity Bible studies, mentored by InterVarsity staff workers, called to mission at InterVarsity's Urbana convention, or influenced by InterVarsity Press books are serving in positions of influence in the church, business, medicine, and industry not just in York County, but around the world.